The four lectures of the second week
Vieri Mastropietro
Fine structure constant, anomalous magnetic
factor and transport coefficients
The fine structure constant can be determined by the
electron magnetic moment, the Hall conductivity or the
optical conductivity of graphene. The precision of the
measurements offers a very stringent test for the
theory, in particular for the Standard Model. The
magnetic factor is determined by the truncation of the
(divergent) series expansion at a certain order, and the
expectation is that the error introduced is of the order
of truncation; in the case of the transport coefficients
instead the higher orders contributions are expected to
be exactly vanishing. We present some rigorous
results based on Renormalization Group proving the
validity of such properties in a finite range of
parameters, providing a introduction to the key
technical features of the method.
Slides :
Robert Seiringer
Mathematical Foundations of Density Functional
Slides :
Jan Philip Solovej
The structure complex atoms and understanding
the periodic table of the elements
Stefan Teufel
How infinitely extended gapped many-body
quantum systems respond to local and global